Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Painting Scripture


This is a big black canvas.  It measures 8 feet square.  Last September there were 8 of these hanging in the sanctuary at my church in Woodland Park.  They were all waiting for paint.

We started a sermon series on the Book of Romans, and I was honored with the task of painting images to go with the sermons.  Sometimes coming up with an image was easy, quick, obvious.  But there were times I seriously wrestled with the text!  How do you paint that man suppressed the truth so God gave them over to their sin?  Or how do you portray the Holy Spirit in a new and interesting way, without giving Him a body?

This week (and yes, this is Tuesday already) I was hoping to paint something showing how the Holy Spirit "intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words".  I've had a couple of ideas, but I'm really uncertain about them.   So what this canvas will end up looking like is a mystery to me!

I'll post the other seven this week, along with why and how I painted them.  And if you have any great thoughts on my current angst, be sure and let me know!  The clock's ticking!!


  1. here's one of my friend's art that might inspire Adina - it's what I thought of when I read your verse:


  2. Adina, I think it's a gray sky with just a glimmer of something coming right before the Lord Jesus bursts through with a blaze of glory!!

    I know that doesn't depict the Holy Spirit's groanings but it's what I first thought.

    Arlice Gallagher

  3. Well, the black will pretty much disappear, Mrs. Gallagher! It's just the background. It's WHAT I PUT ON IT that's the angst-giver!
