Sunday, January 30, 2011

Breakfast At Skyline

I did this as a joke for my friend Jim.  He lives in a retirement community where he has the option to go to the dining room for meals.  He has commented that every once in awhile there will be another resident who can't seem to decide if they want waffles or fresh fruit.  Granola or an omelet?  Toast or oatmeal?  So they stand.

And they stand.

Right in the path.

And the traffic flow around the food tables gets mildly congested and discombobulated.  What's really delightful, is that Jim has become the Rescuer of the Lost.  He goes to the Standing-One and asks them what they need, and then helps them back to their table.  It's beautiful!

So, of course I had to paint it!

On a more serious  note, that same retirement community has asked me to give them a price for painting a few murals, so I am sketching and sketching, and sweating over pricing, and sketching some more.  I'll post some of those sketches soon.  And I'll let you know if I get the job!

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