Sunday, February 20, 2011

Spirit of Hope

I'm sitting here at my computer wondering what on earth to say about this.  There's a whole long story linked to this painting, and I'm not sure it's my story to tell.  I suppose a general summary would be to say that this tree is permanently cemented in the minds of my friends as a turning point in their lives.  The story involves an accident, a lot of tears, a great deal of heartache,  and probably a significant amount of fear.  IT ALSO INVOLVES GREAT HOPE.  Our God, Who loves us and redeemed us, also loves to redeem the most broken parts of our lives.

That's the whole point of this painting.  God takes what we might see as having no value (some people would have just cut the tree down!), and changes our hearts so that we can see hope.  God's breath moves through our lives, moves through us, and we are transformed...and the circumstances of our lives are transformed as well.

A beautiful thought for a Sunday morning.


  1. Adina, I believe I recall the accident you're talking about. When I look at the picture and see the wisps of color gently floating through the air, I can't help but think about the Spirit of God moving throughout our lives. Sometimes His Spirit is seen and heard, sometimes not. Sometimes we run from the Spirit of God, and yet other times we cling to Him. For the believer, His Spirit is always gentle and loving. And always, as you said, His Spirit does an incredible transforming work in us. Praise God!

  2. Romans 8:18 "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."

    Thank you for your beautiful words and for sharing your gift with us. We treasure this painting and the story it tells.

    Love you!

  3. I love how you captured the light and the shadows. This is beautiful!!!

  4. Barbara, you nailed it!

    Thanks to all three of you for taking time to look! I am honored, really.

  5. Adina - it truly is a beautiful piece and I can only imagine how much it means to your friends. I was incredibly moved when I saw this piece.

  6. This reminds me of that perfect, perfect weather that I love. 74 degrees, 6 percent humidity, and a very slight breeze now and then. I think that must be the climate in Heaven. :-)
