Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fall Storm

I painted this a couple of years ago.  There's this really cool house that I drove by several times a week.  It has an old stone foundation, and a windmill in the yard.  The property goes on and on and on.  Rumor has it that it was once owned by the Maytag family (as in: the washers and dryers).  I have no idea if that's true.

Anyway, out in the "yard" (this place has acres, so "yard" isn't quite right) is a small collection of aspen trees....and in another place there's this wind-break type of fence.  I thought they went great together!

I love the leaves against the dark sky.  I used masking fluid (just like in the columbine that I posted last week), and painted the sky first.  The fence was in perfect shape.  Which I found to be boring.  So I knocked down part of it (not literally, of course)!  Doesn't it make you wonder what creature (animal or human) went tromping through there and broke it down? 

This painting is now in the possession of a very dear friend.  I can't tell you how happy that makes me!


  1. Love this painting! A dark sky is one of my favorite things. And we walk past the Maytag house all the time. It really was owned by the family.


  2. I can almost smell the way the wind smells when rain is coming and I think I just got hit in the eye with a leaf!
