Monday, April 11, 2011

Final Step!


And I love it!  This was great fun, but not without it's hiccups.  Originally, after doing the moon face, I painted purple fairies with a star-shaped glow around them.  You need fairies in an enchanted forest, don't you?  Well, I was REALLY unsure of them.  Then my hubby came home and said, "are you finished with those fairies?"  Uh-Oh.  That's a leading question, if I've ever heard one!  When I told him that I thought they needed some serious tweaking, he said, "oh good, because they look like little purple demons"!  AAAAIIIIGGGHHHH!!!!

So, the little purple demons got painted over and I went instead with a full night-sky, complete with whirls and swirls. Soooo much better!

I  hope the ballerinas love it as much as I do!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! That's so funny. Well, it turned out beautifully! :)
