Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Spring Fever

It's been DELIGHTFULLY WARM for several days now.  And the trees are beginning to smell wonderful (not from flowers, just from warm bark).  And the birds have been singing.  And there are pools of water all over from the melting snow.  And it's all giving me spring fever.

Here's the problem.  It's only March, which is generally the snowiest month for Colorado!  The birds will go back into hiding.  All those puddles of water will turn into sheets of ice.  The thermometer will go back to living below 10 degrees.  And I'm going to have to figure out how to hang on for AT LEAST two more months!

Ah well.  Spring WILL come.  God promised.  I drew this last year while I was waiting.  I can wait again.


  1. Delight. Whimsy. Childhood books. Warm bark. Waking dirt.

    I love this tree!

  2. You know, Kelley....this so speaks to my mental image of you digging in the dirt and loving every minute of it! Thank you for loving it!
