Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Last Night's Doodle

It dawned on me that some people find this freaky.  My hubby is one of them.  I showed this to him when I finished it and he looked at me strangely and shook his head.  I don't think I can explain how enjoyable it is!   The others go pretty quickly, but this one took well over an hour.  Sort of wondering about adding color...


  1. If you add color you can make it a variegated yarn.

  2. My thoughts exactly, Mrs. Gallagher!! I'll have to start using a different ink maybe!

  3. Hmm, I don't find it freaky at all. Looks like yarn. Makes me think of cute little kitties. :)

  4. I tried three different times on the bus to comment on this one ... to no avail. Wretched technology.

    One more try ...

    What on earth? I can't help but stare and stare at the detail in the winding string. And what's so perfectly pleasant about that round shape on the yellow background? I don't know. It just is.

    For some odd reason i just really love this yarn ball.

  5. I want you to make one of your quirky line drawings your web banner.
    Not kidding.

    Apron chicken.
    Stringy tree.
    Blue Ink Hands.

    They are their own interesting language. Like nothing else.

    'Just saying.

  6. Thanks, all of you! I just might follow your advice, Kelley!
