Saturday, March 5, 2011

"I AM the Bread of Life"


In 2008 I did a set of canvases for our church based on the "I AM" statements that Jesus made.  They all have an aspen tree theme (fitting for the mountains of Colorado).  I used a spray gun and my hubby's air compressor to paint them.  The lettering was done by hand.  The canvases cover some sort of sound-absorbing panels that are on the sanctuary walls, so they have to be changed out in between Sundays, which means that I painted these in a week.  At the time, the gym at the church wasn't used very much, so I spread out in there with lots of tarps.  I had help with the lettering, or I wouldn't have gotten them done!

Funny story:  the spray gun that I use has a tiny filter in it, about the size of the end of your pinky.  When I switch colors I have to wash out the whole she-bang.  There was one time when I wasn't careful enough, and the filter went wooshing down the drain!  Aaaiiiggh!!  There was a man who I hardly knew in the church that day (he has since become our youth pastor!), who went to great lengths trying to find my filter in the pipes under the sink, but to no avail.  I ended up going to our local auto parts store to buy a new spray gun.  It came with TWO filters, so now I have two complete guns, which makes switching colors a whole lot easier!

When we took the canvases down early in 2010, I rolled them and stored them, thinking we could re-use them at a later date.  The problem is, in order to keep costs down, I use house paint, which is not very flexible.  When I went back to look at them a few months ago, the paint was completely cracked.  So these canvases have gone to the DUMP!

There were 7 total, so I'll post them for the next 7 days.  This one was one of my favorites.