Tuesday, March 15, 2011

In Process

After doing pages and pages of inked drawings on tiny paper in a cheap Moleskine knock-off, I'm trying to be brave.  This is much nicer paper, so smooth, so stiff.  And it's much bigger (I think it's 12" x 12"?).  And because it's nicer and bigger, for some reason it seems more important.  And for some reason it will be a huge let-down if I choke!

I'm combining two reference pics here.  I was in NC last year and took this pic off of my cousin's deck.  They're delightful blue-birds.  I'm probably not even half way done.  There's still a background to add.  I'll post another pic when I'm done.

On a side note, for all of you out there that bother to read my meanderings: thank you.  Really, thank you.  It's been a little surprising the interest you all show, and your comments are always surprising and so kind to me.  THANK YOU.

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