Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Drawing While the Forest Burns

There's a wildfire about 8 miles from where we live, which is mildly disconcerting.  Since there's not a blessed thing I can do about it, I draw.  And while I draw I pray.  It seems like a good way to spend my time.

This is just a preliminary sketch for a painting I hope to do in the not too distant future.  I'm thinking when it comes time to paint, I'll make the background a wee bit darker.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOSH!!!!!
    We are just now learning about this - internet service is VERY limited out here. Read some updates on FB last night and tried to get to news articles but couldn't pull anything up...
    Time for a phone call home! yikes!!!
    Praying for you, & for all our homes, my friend.
