Monday, June 13, 2011

Two More Parable Sketches

These are the latest sketches for the set of parable paintings I'm doing for my church.  I haven't the least idea what to do for the backgrounds.  Clearly I'll have to decide that before the deadline!  And my markers make skin-tone very difficult to nail down.  Clearly I'll have to decide what to do with that, as well!

The first one is the parable of the persistent know, the one who kind-of nagged the unrighteous judge until he finally gave her what she wanted.   Then Jesus compares our Heavenly Father's care for us, and how He gives us good things.  The idea is that we need to persevere in prayer.

The second is the parable of the talents.  I kept changing my mind about this one.  I even had the reference shots all done and ready to go, but at the last minute I didn't like them.  So I had to go scrounging.  These are loose interpretations of three different pics of family members.  I thought I had altered them enough, and then my nephew recognized his grandmother!  Oops!  Sorry mom!  Did you ever wonder how you would look blonde?  I'm still not sure about this one.  Does it communicate?  Does the man to the right look sheepish over his lack of wise use of his talent?  Do the other two look like they're rejoicing (which would be reasonable), or gloating (which would be bad!)?  Who knows...I may change this one again.

There you have it.  My angst!

1 comment:

  1. I really like the persistent widow! The person in the middle looks a little gloaty to me. The person on the left looks like humble rejoicing I think.
