Thursday, October 30, 2014

In Process

Yes, that's one doggone bright yellow canvas!  I thought I'd show you what you do when you've got a BIG canvas to paint, and it's getting a wee bit chilly to paint in the garage:  You improvise!  Well, really, you ask your husband to improvise, because he's much handier with a screw gun!

So this is where I'm spending a great deal of time... and all with OIL paint, which is just delightful beyond words.  I really don't know if I can express how much I LOVE painting with oils!

Next, the pencil drawing, which you really can't see.  Then some outlines of the foreground.  And then the beginning.  Here's where the house starts to smell strange.

I've reached the point in life where my son can take some pretty decent pics.  So, these days when he comes home from school, I say, "How-was-your-day-will-you-take-some-pics-for-me?"  In this instance he also took a bunch of pics from funky angles that made my brain sort of hurt.   I chose to show you the ones where you can actually tell what's going on!!

Can you tell the sky changed?  I painted that initial swatch of blue and white and then laid in bed thinking, "what was I thinking?"  So a couple of days later, I edited.  And once I was content with the sky, I was able to move on to the Peak.  It got edited too... you'll see...

Can you see the edit?  The darks in the Peak were a bit too dark to please me.  Not a lot.  But when something isn't quite right, you really can't sleep.  Really.

That's all for now!  I'm THOROUGHLY LOVING THIS!!  I tell my musical friends it's like hitting that perfect note, with the perfect tone, and a lung full of volume.  And I tell my writer friends it's like coming up with just the right string of words... poignant, lovely, unique.

I'll show you the final thing in a few days (providing I don't lay in bed one night and decide that the whole thing is wrong!!).