Sunday, July 27, 2014

What's That Hiding Under the Bed?

The other day I was talking with my sister about projects.  Particularly unfinished projects.  You know.  They're tucked away in a closet, or under the bed.  And once upon a time we were all fired up and eager and motivated.  But then something happened.  And the fire and the motivation got packed in a box and slid back behind something more pressing.

That's the way it is with making greeting cards.  I've got a whole box full of blank cards, just waiting to be turned into something beautiful.  And nothing gets done.  The really appalling thing is, the other day I actually went and BOUGHT a greeting card, because I didn't have any made, and I didn't have time to make one.  AAACCCKKK!!  This should never be!

So I sort-of made a deal with my sister.  She needs to pull the box out of the closet, and I need to pull it out from under the bed, and we both need to MAKE PROGRESS, for crying-out-loud!!  This is my progress so far.  Four cards, all ready to go in the  mail.  I don't have a deadline, necessarily.  I just want to have ALL the blank cards decorated and drawn on and ready to go.  Soon.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Prep Work Takes Forever!

I've been asked to do some painting for a craft fair in October...or is it November?....that will benefit our local pregnancy center, called Choices.  It's a safe place for women to go to who find themselves pregnant and in need of help, encouragement, and support in their choice to keep their baby.

The organizers are providing me with a plethora of objects that could use a touch of beautification!  This is the prep work for a wooden plaque. This part of the project has taken up a LOT of time.  I've lost track of how many times I've written out this verse, and changed the fonts, and adjusted the layout.  And even as I'm typing, I'm still seeing things that need tweaking.

The plaque is only 8" round, so this is going to be some tiny brushwork.  Considering that I frequently paint canvases that are 8 FEET square, this is a significant change!  I'll let you know how it goes!