Thursday, December 20, 2012

Oh, Boy!

Yesterday a friend of mine entered the presence of her Savior.  It's a glorious, heart-breaking thing.  Her suffering is OVER.

I was reminded of when my grandfather died.  His suffering was also over.  My aunt wrote this poem in tribute to his passing, and so in 2003 I was inspired to paint a response to go with it.  I picture any who follow Jesus as trapped on this dark earth, passing through significant pain, into God's glorious light, with arms raised in praise.  I find the last stanza of the poem so fitting for the death of my friend!

'Oh boy'
Spoken in dark
at night,
on his narrow cot
the body tired
and sore
weary of this life's
Gravity, it seemed,
upon the small frame.

'Oh boy',
spoken often enough
that dear friends
knew the phrase.
'Oh boy'
in the quietest
breath, last minute,
upon his bed of death,
facing the unknown journey.

weariness increased
beyond endurance to see.

And then....

'Oh Boy!'
As he enters the realm of heaven
and stands before his Creator,
in glory
standing among the throngs,
worship upon his lips,
gravity lifted,
arms raised, pain free,
in Adoration.

Oh, Boy!

-written by Diane Hintze
September 2, 2003


  1. Awsome! Great poem and wonderful art!


  2. Beautiful, beautiful tribute to our dear Nannette.

    I feel her absence in so many small, acute ways. Our lives had become much more entwined over the past few months, as I was stopping by frequently to check on her, bring meals, see about errands into town.

    Can't bring myself to throw out the small disposable containers, saved up to hold the single-serve meals that would have been coming her way. Autumn was eager to visit with Bebe again, & take her out for some exercise, while Caleb was all set to go shovel her walk...but now there is no need.

    Singing with worship team was surreal. How is it possible that we won't be singing with Nannette again? Laughing & teasing & relishing the bright spirit she always brought with her.

    Yes, like you painted - she is FREE, she is glorious with Jesus & Randy! So, so glad for her!

    Just sad for those of us who will miss her.

  3. Agreed, about Nannette!
    I remember when you first exhibitted "Oh Boy!" at Woodland Park Community Church. Now it's a fitting tribute for your Grandfather, and an exuberant lady and so many others who have passed that are ..
    "standing among the throngs,
    worship upon his lips,
    gravity lifted,
    arms raised, pain free,
    in Adoration."

