Thursday, August 30, 2012

Artsy Fartsy

I am part of a small group of artists called the Artsy Fartsies.  That sounds almost official, but really we just named ourselves for the fun of it.  We live in the same small town, and share a love of all things creative as well as a love for our Savior, Jesus Christ.  This group is salve to me.  They're courage.  And joy.  And impetus.  We get together every so often and tell our art-life stories.  We show each other our work.  We ask for help.  We exult in victories and commiserate over failures.  And we remind each other of the truth that we are artists because God made us that way, and He is pleased when we revel in that.

From left to right is Lois ( ), a fabulous illustrator.  She is particularly gifted at drawing people.  She did a portrait of my grandpa that's uncanny.

Then Scotty ( ), a sculptor.  His work always tells a beautiful story.  Poignancy just oozes from him.

Then yours truly, followed by Kristy ( ), a watercolor and ink artist.  She does stunning, richly colored paintings.  Tight, sometimes whimsical, always beautifully rendered.

I love these guys!

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