Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Lessons of Plein Air Painting

I just keep reminding myself, THIS IS ALL ABOUT LEARNING.

Today I went out with two friends to 11-Mile Canyon, a delightful road following a river.  The weather was PERFECT.  And we sat on the rocks and painted.  And painted.  And then we moved to a different rock, and painted some more.  Except for the bugs that tend to land in your wet paint, and the fact that we dropped the roll of paper towels in the river, it was a delightful day!

And I am learning.  I tend to be too rushed when I'm painting outdoors.  As if the sky were about to open and dump on me within seconds (not true...the sky was deligtfully clear!).  So I need to slow down just a touch.  And be more careful with my color mixing, because frankly...these are DARK.  And allow myself to put in more depth, instead of just having the background be a general mush.

So far, I think that's what I'm supposed to learn.

Oh, and "never, never, never give up"!

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