Thursday, March 16, 2017

Coming Soon to an Auction Near You

"Aspen Sketch"


"Mother's Day Flowers"

Every spring Camp Elim holds a women's retreat where women gather from all over to be encouraged in God's Word, and challenged in their walk with Him.  For several years now the retreat has also played host to a silent auction that benefits the work that Camp Elim does.

This year I'm adding these three drawings to the auction.  They've sat in my files long enough!  Interested?  Check out their website!!  You can still sign up to attend the women's retreat... all or even just part of it.  Camp Elim is one of my favorite places in the whole wide world, and I'm delighted to be able to donate these art pieces!

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Two New Guys

"Hello Gorgeous"

"Mr. Wonderful"

Two new guys!!  These are SMALL.  It's an odd thing to go from painting ginormous canvases (8' square) and using a pretty jumbo brush, to painting these little ones.  They're 4" x 7", and required some much smaller brushes!!  They were great fun, though!

I have to admit that I have a different canvas on my easel, all drawn out, waiting to be painted... but I painted these instead.  Why, you ask?  Because the one on my easel is a barn with a tractor, and I'm scared to death to paint it!!  You can paint a rooster, or a flower, and if there's something slightly off, nobody knows!  But if you get the straight lines of a barn wrong... well, it's going to be obvious!

Deep breath, right?  By God's grace, the barn and the tractor will be next.