Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Coffee Cup Rings

I  painted this a long time ago.  Mostly I was just playing with watercolors, but by the time I was finished it was a poignant picture (to me) of how our lives touch each other.

We get together.  Maybe over coffee.  And we talk and laugh.  We share stories, and speak courage.  And our coffee cups leave a ring behind on the table.  Just like we leave a mark on each others lives.  Sometimes our stories blend, making a whole new color.  Sometimes brilliant spots stand out.  It can be a little bit messy, but always beautiful.  All orchestrated and mixed by the loving sovereignty of God.  He is the consummate artist.


  1. Sometimes someone else spills on us and burns us! lol ;-)

  2. I love that you painted that a long time ago and I love even more that it hangs in my home! I love what it represents...pretty much I just love it and you!
