Monday, September 7, 2015

A Labor Day Labor (not!)

Yesterday my family came up to our little mountain home and hung out.  It was delightful!  A couple of us went down to the property line and painted the back side of Pikes Peak.  Her's was lovely, mine was... not so much.  So to make myself feel better, I painted the power pole!!  Ha!  Except for the fact that the scan turned out mildly fuzzy, I quite like it!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Making Waiting Less Painful

A while ago I FINALLY learned the beauty and value of taking a sketch book with me.  Everywhere.  And pencils. And pens. And watercolor brushes.  And paint. And paper towels.  It adds up to a significant bundle, but I have this delightful bag that I've repurposed to carry all sorts of art supplies, and today it came in handy!

I had to wait for some piano movers, and they had to drive a ways, so it took awhile... and so I painted this little drawing.  I probably did the drawing over a  year ago, but today I inked it and then painted it.

Waiting isn't so awful after all!