Thursday, December 27, 2012

Who Are You?

I just finished a Christmas commission for a friend.  She asked me to do 6 canvases, all 12 inches square, each one speaking to some beautiful truth in the lives of her family members.

It raises a question:  if you were to choose one word, and maybe one image, to describe yourself....or to describe what God has done in your life, what would it be?  It's a curious thought to ponder.  I love how my answer would have been different 10 years ago from what it would be today!  God's activity in my life is SURE.  STEADY.  FAITHFUL.  KIND.  For that, I am thankful.


  1. Some words for me: Shielded, delivered, ransomed, rescued, cleansed.

    And those words are true of the past...what God has done...and they're what He's still doing!

  2. OH, Jen....I love "shielded"! And I often thank God for your ransom! Your story speaks God's character to me!
